
Outdoor Soccer

Outdoor soccer registration is live.

February 1 - March 15

Visit EMSA South for more information, and to register your kiddos.

Important details

  • Registration deadline: March 14

  • Season start (tentative): May 1

  • You need a community league membership to register (purchase one online here)

  • Financial assistance is available

FB: emsasouth
IG: millwoodsselectsfc

A community league membership* is required for EMSA registration.

Need a Membership? Get your Community League membership

Already a member? You can look up your membership number HERE

Snow Angels

Pick up your shovels on Tuesdays, 10 am - 12 pm

Swing by the hall on Tuesdays starting February 18, from 10am -12pm to pick up your shovel and meet other volunteers.

Let's help each other keep Ritchie's sidewalks clear and accessible this winter!

Ritchie Community League is encouraging you to become a "Snow Angel" and help our neighbours in need of snow removal help.

Offering and asking for help are both important ways for our community to come together and keep our walks clear all season long!


Ritchie residents interested in becoming an official Snow Angel are invited to stop by the hall on Tuesday mornings between 10am to 12pm to register and learn more about the program.

Youth are welcome to register as Snow Angels alongside an adult family member.

With support from the City of Edmonton we have FREE SHOVELS to give away to the first 25 Snow Angels who register. (RCL membership required)


If you or a neighbour are in need of snow removal, please come to the hall and pick up a lawn sign.


Join us at Ritchie Hall on February 22, from 11am to noon. There will be a short presentation about this program and shovel and lawn sign pick up. Coffee, hot chocolate and donuts will be served.


All program participants (Snow Angels and neighbours who request assistance) will be entered to win a gift card to a local Ritchie business.

When the snow disappears for the year, all participants are invited to a wrap up event at the hall with great prizes!

This is a volunteer-run RCL program.

Any questions can be directed to

Rink Status: Opening and Closing

It's that time of year! We have snow to make banks and it's cold enough to make ice. But, it's a science and not an art. As much as it feels like it's skating time, the temperature needs to be at a certain range to get the foundation in.

The fence area will be closed until ice is ready or the snow all melts away.

Interested in moving snow - be a key holder?

We need help to maintain our ice
Show up to help when:

  • The temperature is between -2 to -25

  • Once the snow stops falling

  • If you see a lone person or two out on the rink, go help clear the snow, learn how to help...and maybe become a key holder or rink hoser (flooding).


RCL volunteers put in hundreds of hours (typically more than 400) to prepare rink and flood, shovel, and maintain the ice. If you’d like to join the rink crew and help with snow removal, we can add you to our call list. We wait until all the flakes fall from a snow event before we start shoveling and ask for 30 mins to 1 hour of help.

For more information about how we maintain our rink visit our RINK TEAM page.

Help is appreciated, if you can.