West Ritchie Community Garden

Ritchie Community League has hosted the West Ritchie Community Gardens since 2021. We know that green space is hard to access in West Ritchie - the shops are close, but the green space is not! We are so excited to garden with you as we transform an abandoned city lot to a functional community green space. 

The garden has garden beds, water barrels, public composters, picnic tables, and free mulch. Keep reading for all the garden info, or get in touch directly!

We have 26 beds of approximately 2x3 ft. Two are reserved for communal herbs/garlic. The rest are reserved by community members each season. 

Each application is for one bed. There is an annual fee, which funds necessary basic maintenance for the year. This fee is reduced if you are already a Ritchie Community League member. If you are allotted a garden bed, you will have 14 days to pay the fee to secure your spot (more information sent if selected). 

  • RCL Member $5

  • Non-Member $10

Please note that demand is rising each year. Our application (below) asks some demographic-based questions to determine priority. Food bank users and folks without yards are our prioritized groups. Other demographic questions are for internal data collection only. We always try to ensure that long-time gardeners can return year after year, given that the priority groups are served first. 

Garden box applications are open!

When: Last Wednesday of the Month at 7 pm

Where: At the Gardens 7900 A 101 St NW Edmonton, AB T6E 0B9

Would you like to join our garden committee to help run the garden? 

What we need: A small monthly commitment (1-5 hours) during the gardening season.. The monthly meeting will occur in the garden on the last Wednesday of the month. It is a casual, BYOB meet-up where we talk upgrades, priorities, issues, grants, and stories. All RCL volunteers must be RCL members/associate members. If you’re up for it, volunteers will help make garden clean-up, grant applications, or Instagram management easier. 

  • Turn compost: requires some strength

  • Litter pick-up: requires bending/squatting

  • Pick noxious weeds: requires bending/squatting

  • Water edible plants: requires BYOW if water barrels are low

  • Weed whack common areas: requires mobility

What you get out of it: Your voice will shape the future of the garden, including how grants are spent, how maintenance is assigned, and more. You will be guaranteed one garden plot for your effort. If you need a letter or reference for your time, one will be provided. The best part? The garden crew is a lot of fun, and the people are nice. We would love to have you join.   

Email Hanna at garden@ritchie-league.com or feel free to show up at the picnic tables around 7 pm on the last Wednesday of the month. We will cancel or reschedule if the weather is particularly unpleasant.

Let us know!