
Rink Status: Opening and Closing

It's that time of year! We have snow to make banks and it's cold enough to make ice. But, it's a science and not an art. As much as it feels like it's skating time, the temperature needs to be at a certain range to get the foundation in.

The fence area will be closed until ice is ready or the snow all melts away.

Interested in moving snow - be a key holder?

We need help to maintain our ice
Show up to help when:

  • The temperature is between -2 to -25

  • Once the snow stops falling

  • If you see a lone person or two out on the rink, go help clear the snow, learn how to help...and maybe become a key holder or rink hoser (flooding).


RCL volunteers put in hundreds of hours (typically more than 400) to prepare rink and flood, shovel, and maintain the ice. If you’d like to join the rink crew and help with snow removal, we can add you to our call list. We wait until all the flakes fall from a snow event before we start shoveling and ask for 30 mins to 1 hour of help.

For more information about how we maintain our rink visit our RINK TEAM page.

Help is appreciated, if you can.

RAD Self-defence

the MONTHLY RAD PROGRAM IS FINISHED FOR 2024. Thanks for a great year!

This is a two-day course that runs on a Saturday and Sunday, from 9 am - 4:30 pm.

Visit RAD homepage for more informatio

Who is delivering the courses?

RAD is an international non-profit organization that offers affordable and practical self-defence for women ages 12+. This course is for all abilities and available to those who have already taken RAD (free of charge).
The Edmonton chapter coordinators is collaborating with the Ritchie Community League and City of Edmonton to ensure an affordable and impactful course.

The RAD coordinators volunteer their time to screen and vet volunteer instructors. Volunteers are Edmonton Police Service civilian staff and officers and other front line emergency responders.

What to Expect


  • The first part of the course is to build understanding and awareness of personal safety and knowledge in what to look for.


  • The second part of the course is teaching skills, fit-to-participant that will get themselves out of a harmful situation.

  • The skill building part of the course is tailored to the individual meaning there are multiple tools available and can accommodate most mobility issues.

  • There is also an optional scenario part of the course where skills are practiced in meaningful practice. The scenarios teach women how to get passed the panic state of mind and into action.

  • There are always female instructors in each course. Male volunteers in the scenarios wear a fully padded suit so you can unleash your full potential.

Ages and Requirements

  • For ages 12-15 year olds, a participating guardian must also be enrolled in the course.

    (This is because of the content being introduced.)

  • For ages 16-18 year olds, participation requires guardian approval but the guardian does not need to enroll

  • Suitable for different ages and abilities

Cost: $41.50


Sign up to get a notification when the registration is open. For Ritchie members, a minimal number of spots be reserved per month and then released a week prior to the course start date.

Visit RAD homepage for more information or email