Tuesday, 10am - 1pm
Come warm up and hang out at the hall on Tuesday mornings for “Coffee and Conversation”.
Meet a neighbour at the hall, or pop by on your own. Bring your wee one for playmat time, bring your neighbourhood stories, bring your studying, or bring a book.
Caregivers of little ones 5 and under are invited to bring your balls, run bikes and ride-on toys and let the little ones have 'free run' of our large hall. Coffee is on for parents.
Hosted by our Hall Manager, this is also a great time to chat with her about your upcoming rental or program idea, or to pick something up.
An RCL or other Edmonton League membership is required, and available to purchase on site. Supervision is not provided - parents are expected to stay in the space and monitor safe play. Hall Manager is present if there are any concerns.
drop-in, no registration required
free parking in our lot
it’s FREE!
everyone is welcome!