Get Involved
Not sure where you fit? Fill out the Volunteer Inquiry Form and we will get in touch.
See below for event sign-up and further below for team work and planning opportunities.
Would you like to talk to a human about your options for volunteering. Please email
To volunteer with the Ritchie community League you must have a league membership and agree to our code of Volunteer policy and code of conduct.
Use this form to log the time you spent helping your community by volunteering with the league.
Ritchie League Departments are always looking to add to the team!
Assemble swag bundles for Ritchie Crew subscribers, run the merch table at events, deliver goods, and more!
Help out at one of our assigned casino dates. There are many positions to fill and shifts to accommodate early risers as well as night owls!
We need creative, organized people to help plan our popular events, from our cheery winter pub nights to our summer barbecues.
Join the team keeping Ritchie Hall looking tidy and vibrant. Handy fixers and all-around organizers are always needed!
Liaise with the City of Edmonton to inform your neighbours about the municipally-led projects that impact our community.
Help out during one of our ongoing programs, or pitch us the program you dream of leading.
Rink maintenance is managed entirely by volunteers from the community. Why not be one of them?