Photo Credit: Afternoon Bloom Photography
It takes a lot of fun people to put on fun events, and we can always use a few more hands.
We need people to help with planning events, like arranging food, drinks, music, and other logistics. It’s a great way to connect with people, businesses, and your creative-planning self.
Fill out the Volunteer inquiry form if you’re interested in joining a planning team (pub team, music team, BBQ team, League team).
Not a planner or not sure? Sign up to help at an upcoming event and see what it’s all about. Here’s what’s on the horizon:
Planning events
We have individuals or teams that work together to come up with ideas for our events. You could be part of our planning team and bring your event ideas to life.
Help set up at events
Be part of the fun and help set up. This pre-event time is always full of great camaraderie and excitement.
Decorate the hall
Set up tables and chairs
Lay out supplies
Sometimes set-up with League ‘store’
Help run events
Assist with various aspects of running a successful event like assisting at a station, serve food/drinks to bring out your inner bartender, run a grill and serve at BBQs, and general running about and making sure the right things get done at the right time. Sometimes selling Ritchie swag and memberships.
Sell tickets and manage entry
Running an activity station
Selling memberships and merchandise
Serving snacks and drinks
Take-down and clean-up
Help make sure everything goes back where it belongs so we are ready for the next event.
Take down and put away tables and chairs
Sweep floors and spot mop
Wipe down kitchen
Collect and empty garbage into bin
Pack up supplies