Dreaming of Fireflies: Native Plant Workshop
Ready to rewild your yard? During this workshop while we sow native seeds with our hands, explore native biodiversity that may visit your yard, understanding the history and consequences of the removal of native plants. You’ll be provided practical maintenance tips and seasonal best practices for supporting our ecosystem.
Our goal is for all attendees to leave feeling curious and engaged, and ready to take action and educate others on how we as a community can work together to sustain the fireflies, birds, and bees.
This workshop will provide attendees with resources to start native plants in their backyard. Along with these resources, there will be discussions on:
History of agriculture in Alberta and its environmental impacts
Benefits of native plant garden and best practices for garden maintenance
Bingo card for identifying native insects that may visit your yard
Attendees are encouraged to collect their (clean) recycling and bring them to use them as plant pots. For example: to-go containers, eggs cartons, tubes of toilet paper, berry containers, and meat packaging containers.
This presentation is for anyone who:
loves to garden
wants to learn more about native plants in Edmonton and Alberta
wants to meet people who share your gardening goals
wants to get started on their own native garden
Open to folks in all communities!
Touch Grass Club’s mission is to gain appreciate for nature with community buildilng, provide resources to garden with native plants, and nurture multiculturalism to explore the bridge between nature and culture. They host events and workshops across Edmonton, partnering with likeminded organizations to bring their mission to life!
We will have some special guests in attendance tonight!
Lisa, Waste Free Edmonton’s Climate Chat facilitator
EFCL (tbc)
We are looking for one volunteer to help out. You will be responsible for:
greeting each attendee
checking their name against the registration list
showing them where they can hang their coats and get a snack
This seated shift lasts one hour, and you are welcome to stay to watch the entire presentation!
Volunteering for Ritchie members only please!