Leagues are to report their results weekly by Sunday night. The above is a screenshot taken Wednesday morning, March 17, 2021. The most up-to-date results see the Results page.
With two weeks remaining in the Move for Mental Health Challenge, Ritchie and Hazeldean continue to post dramatic gains each week. Folks in Ritchie logged 3,142 km last week. Keep those kilometres coming!
As the weather continues to warm, as streets and paths dry out, as more people get outside and onto their bikes, expect to see all leagues post dramatic increases.
Activity of any kind that can be tracked by the kilometre travelled is eligible for entry. Best of all, any exercise, even if it’s just walking to the store, helps your mental health. And after the winter we’ve had and the lingering health restrictions containing the spread of COVID while vaccines are administered, we can all use a mental health booster!
So, the push is on to the March 31 finish. In the words of Canadian icons, Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod: “Keep fit and have fun!”
Help others with a donation
If you have the financial means to make a donation, consider supporting the mental health of our neighbours. We’ve set up a donation page on CanadaHelps for these three Edmonton charities:
i-Human Youth Society
The Mustard Seed (Southside Shelter)
Momentum Walk-in Counselling