Action Packed Community League Day


Ritchie Community League is pulling out all of the stops at its Community League Celebration on Saturday, Sept.16.

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Beginning with its traditional free breakfast at 9:00 a.m, the league has adopted the Canada 150 theme for the rest of the many events it has planned for the day.

Scona Seniors will kick things off with a special play they have written to celebrate Canada’s 150thbirthday.  The play will be performed on the main stage in the hall at 10:15 a.m.

This will be followed by a children’s cardboard car making workshop, where kids will be encouraged to incorporate the Canada 150 theme in the cars they make and then display in a parade around the park.

At 11:00 a.m., Ritchie is teaming up with the Mainstreet Cruisers and Edmonton Street Rod Association to host its fourth straight Classic Car Show.  As in the past, we are expecting about 100 classic vehicles to be entered in the show, which is open to anyone (registration is by donation).  The show will run until 3:30 p.m., with prizes going to cars selected by Ritchie board members, car club representatives and all of the people in attendance.

At 1:00 p.m., Ritchie Community League will be hosting a Canadian Citizenship Ceremony, where 50 newcomers will be sworn in by a citizenship judge and given their citizenship papers.  Plans call for the platform party, which will include Ritchie Community League president Tammy Hay, the citizenship judge, elected officials and a member of the RCMP to be lead in a procession from the hall to the park by a bagpiper.  The Scona Seniors have offered to sing O’Canada and another song at the ceremony to help set the mood.

Live music in the park (before and after the citizenship ceremony), food trucks and a bouncy castle for the kids round out the day’s activities.

In addition, children from local schools have been invited to create Canada 150 posters, which will be shown in the hall throughout the day.

The league will also be running a 50/50 draw and a raffle, featuring prizes donated by local businesses.  This includes gift certificates to Barb and Ernie’s, the Mill Creek Café and General Earth Store.

Everyone is encouraged to wear their Canada Day colors, in keeping with the theme of the event.

Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend.




There’s more to training the core than just isolating the abdominals. By functionally training the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen you greatly improve the strength, balance and stability in your daily activities or in your sport. All levels of fitness are welcome. Indoor shoes, water bottle and a mat are a must for every class. For additional information or questions contact the instructor Margareta at

  • $5 drop-in Ritchie members
  • $6 non-members


Margareta Jesse

AFLCA Group Exercise, Portable Equipment

Fit4Two PPFS (Pre/Postnatal Fitness) 

Zumba (R) Specialist)

Mondays - 6:15 - 6:45 pm (no class on holidays) No class Oct. 9 and Oct. 16First class free for Ritchie members!

Mondays - 6:15 - 6:45 pm (no class on holidays) 

No class Oct. 9 and Oct. 16

First class free for Ritchie members!

NEW for Ritchie members! 

Take any/all classes taught by Margareta for $50/month! 

*Applies to Zumba, Core Fit and Fit with Baby ONLY.

Ritchie Programs

Most RCL programs are on summer vacation right now. Here's some info about what's on offer and when the fun will resume in September:

Bridge Club: Play continues at Ritchie hall with up to 25 tables playing every Friday. Doors open 11 am. Games start at noon. Newcomers are welcome. Please note, we play all summer long!  Contact Rose-Marie: 780-439-4884 or Stella 780-504-3972.

Fit for Life Classes: Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 - 10am. Move to the oldies in this mixed-level class offering exercise for every body! The workout includes components of cardio, strength training, balance and flexibility for a well-rounded one-hour workout! For more information, email Lynn Lindsay: or call 780-996-2182. 

Bingo: We are taking the summer off but will start back on September 6. Join us every second Wednesday from 6-9pm! For more information, email Joanne:
Cribbage Club:  Cribbage is putting the cards down for the summer but will resume play on September 13th. We usually meet bi-weekly at the hall. Doors open at 12:30 pm. and we start playing at 1:00 pm sharp. Come and enjoy our friendly group for cribbage, coffee and snacks. For more information or to let us know you're coming by please call Kate - 780 433-0977 or Maryann - 780 462-8582.
Home-school Playgroup:  We are on vacation but please join us in September - every second Tuesday from 1-3pm. The playgroup is for school-aged kids and their younger siblings. Activities include: Lego challenges, free play, drama performances for parents, active games, as well as arts and crafts with our other homeschooled buddies. Homeschoolers from neighbouring communities are also welcome! Email for more information.
RCL Preschool Playgroup:  The (free!) pre-school play group at Ritchie Hall will resume in the fall. Please join us on Wednesdays from 10 am-12pm.  Bring your children between the ages of 0-5 years to the Ritchie Community League to meet and hang out with other Ritchie parents, have your kids play together, and enjoy complimentary coffee and snacks as well! For more information contact Stephanie at

Yoga: In September you can join Kristal every Wednesday from 7:15-8:30pm for a fantastic yoga class at Ritchie Hall.  All you need is a yoga mat (mats are available or bring your own) and some comfortable clothing. We look forward to seeing you there! For additional information visit the website or contact Kristal at

Zumba at Ritchie Hall:  We are taking the summer off but will be back September 11th. Please join us Mondays 7-8 pm. No dance experience necessary, all levels of fitness welcome! Please bring indoor shoes and a water bottle. Email Margareta Jesse: Drop-ins are welcome. Fees apply. Remember: Friends who dance together, stay together! First class is FREE for RCL members so come out and party yourself into shape. 

Hall Rental

Hall Rental

Ritchie Community Hall is a great venue for family and community events, large or small.

There are two rooms to rent: one for 150 people, complete with stage and bar. The second room is more suited to intimate gatherings of 60 or fewer guests.

Both rooms have access to a kitchen with commercial-grade appliances, and the fabulous parkland and recreation facilities just outside their doors. The facility has ample parking and is wheelchair accessible. Best of all, rent is discounted for RCL members! 

To book a room, fill out the hall rental inquiry form

RCL Executive Spotlight

RCL Executive Spotlight
Allan Bolstad is a bit of a League expert. In fact, up until his recent retirement, he worked for the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. These days, his efforts have been honed to his local nieghbourhood and we couldn't be happier. Whether it's volunteering on the Board of Directors, setting up tables at our BBQs, planning Community League Day or thinking about how best to fundraise for our new hall, Allan is a great asset. Thanks Allan for your experience and enthusiasm! 

1. What is your Role on the Board?
Director at Large

2. Why did you volunteer?
To make some new friends and help the league with its programs and events.

3. How long have you lived in Ritchie?
Eight years

4. Why did you pick this neighbourhood?
Lots of reasons.  It was close to the Edmonton Federation of Community League (EFCL) Office,  where I worked, as well as the U/A Hospital, where my wife Barb works, had good transit and lots of shops and restaurants along Whyte Avenue, many mature trees and of course the ravine with its bicycle path directly behind our house.

5. What is the best thing you’ve discovered in Ritchie?
How so many people live here because they want to be here and are ready to pitch in with the league and help make the neighborhood a better place.

6. What is your wish for the next 5 years in Ritchie?
That the community league thrives and helps ensure that our neighborhood remains an open and welcoming place.

7. What is your favourite Ritchie Event/program and why?
I’m partial toward Community League Day, as I was instrumental in getting the whole thing started when I was at the EFCL and believe it will help raise the profile of leagues generally.

8. What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?
I’ve been travelling a fair bit since I retired last summer (the photo is taken on a road up to an old fort just outside of Jaipur, India) and I serve on the city’s Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. 

9. What book did you read last?
Born to Run (an autobiography on Bruce Springsteen)

10. What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
Going places and doing things with our son Brendan (we’re pretty tight).

Free Community League Swim

Free Community League Swim

One of the perks of your Ritchie Community League Membership is that you get FREE entry at some of the city's outdoor pools for evening swims.

This year we are all getting an extra special Canada 150 gift! Drop  in swimming at Queen Elizabeth, Fred Broadstock, Mill Creek or Oliver pool is FREE until the season wraps!  

See you guys at the pool!