Let's Find Out About Ritchie

Do you have burning questions about Ritchie's history? Edmonton's Historian Laureate Chris Chang-Yen Phillips wants to help you find out the answers with a walking tour and a podcast. Maybe you've wondered what's up with the trees that got cut down on Whyte Ave, who was here 150 years ago, or whether it's true that trains ran through Mill Creek Ravine, or whether this area was ever underneath a glacier. At 11 am on Sunday, June 4, Chris will lead a walk around the neighbourhood based on your questions. And later in June, highlights from the walk will be featured on his local history podcast, Let's Find Out.

Come join us for a neighbourhood walk in Ritchie and we can find out about Ritchie's history together! Register here:


Be a Good Sport!

The sun is shining and the smell of fresh-cut grass is in the air. Outdoor sports season is here at last!

The City of Edmonton maintains over 1,600 ball diamonds, soccer pitches and multi-use fields. Field users are asked to help us keep our fields in shape all season long by adhering to a few simple rules:

  • Be respectful of the field and neighbourhood; you’re a guest there. 
  • Don’t litter, smoke or drink alcohol on the field. 
  • Park only in designated areas. 
  • Respect closures; they’re for the good of the field. 
  • If water pools on the field, don’t use it. 
  • Report damage and violations to 311.

Fields are closed periodically for maintenance, rest and rejuvenation. These short closures can help prevent longer, costly closures, and extend the life of the field. Visit edmonton.ca/sportsfields and check “Notifications” to confirm your field is open before heading out. You can also sign up to receive email or RSS closure notifications.

Have fun out there!


Let's Find Out About Ritchie!

Do you have burning questions about Ritchie's history? Edmonton's Historian Laureate Chris Chang-Yen Phillips wants to help you find out the answers with a walking tour and a podcast. Email questions to chris@letsfindoutpodcast.com by Sunday, May 21. Maybe you've wondered what's up with the trees that got cut down on Whyte Ave, who was here 150 years ago, or whether it's true that trains ran through Mill Creek Ravine, or whether this area was ever underneath a glacier. Send in anything you're curious about.

On Sunday, June 4, Chris will lead a walk around the neighbourhood based on your questions. And later in June, highlights from the walk will be featured on his local history podcast, Let's Find Out.

Stay tuned for more details on the upcoming neighbourhood walk!

Brush Up Your Skills!

Adult Paint Night is the place to be.  Come show us how you can swirl your paint brush and your wine glass at the same time!

The next paint night will be on Monday April 24. In this class, you will get creative and fresh with a Spring Landscape! 

Remember, this program is for adults only but we'll take any  level of experience.

  • Where: Ritchie Community Hall - 7727 98 Street NW, Edmonton
  • Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm
  • Cost: $25.00 (cash or cheque paid on night of event)
  • Coffee is free, bring extra cash for wine
  • Members and invited guests only

Please note, to sign up you must be a RCL member. If you are worried about missing out, please email ritchieprograms@gmail.com for information about joining our awesome community league. Membership has its perks - our members are welcome to invite a non-member as a paint night guest. 

Hey Teens...
Ritchie's Teen Art Night has returned! Come get creative on April 11 during the Zentangle edition at the Hall.

This class will focus on using ink to create a small structured design within a large drawing. Bring along a black micro liner or pen, coloured  

When: 5:00 - 7:00 pm on April 11 - a light meal is provided

If you have questions about the classes or the supplies, please email the instructor Hailey at hkcoogan@gmail.com

For changes to registration, email ritchieprograms@gmail.com

Pop Your Kids in a Camp!

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The City has a number of great ways to keep kids busy and maintain parent sanity this summer.

Here are a few options that are close by:

Cool Creations Camp at Hazeldean Community League Hall from July 31 - August 4.

The camp is geared at children between 8 - 13 years of age who have a passion for tie-dye, or making chocolates, soap, candles and lip balm.

Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: $146.00.  

To register, call 311 and quote course number 596279 or do it all online.

Paint, Plaster and Play Camp at Strathcona Community League Hall from July 4 - July 7.

The camp is geared at children between 8 - 13 years of age who like to paint, sculpt, sketch or get messy with paper mâché.

Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: $130.00.  

To register, call 311 and quote course number 596274 or do it all online.

Bad Behaviour

Okay, jokes aside, crime is something we take very seriously in Ritchie.

According to EPS crime stats, last year in Ritchie there were 181 reported occurrences. Number crunchers will be interested to know that so far this year there have been about 21 incidents. 

In most neighbourhoods warmer temperatures can prompt an increase in crime. We've recently heard a few stories from locals about theft as well as some bad bottle collecting etiquette - even a little trespassing!

In the spirit of keeping Ritchie safe, let's all do our best to:

1. Protect our patch - A few simple actions at home, in the yard, or when we go on vacation can make a big difference. Start with these basics

2. Get to know our neighbours - More eyes keeping watch is always a good thing. Abundant Communities efforts will also help us connect with each other.  

3. Reduce temptation - Keep valuables secure and out of sight. 

4. Report, report, report - Unless we say something, EPS won't know there's a problem. Crime stats not only drive resource allocation, they illustrate specific areas of concern. Crime Reports can be made in person, via the police dispatch line 780 423 4576online, or through the EPS mobile app.  

5. Be crime savvy - Here are a few other crime prevention tips from Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch to keep in mind. 

Last but not least, if you see someone less fortunate that could use a hand, give 211 a call. This 24/hour information and referral line is run by the Canadian Mental Health Association and helps people connect to a range of social, health and government services. Whether it is someone sleeping in a dangerous place, not dressed for the weather or just having an all around tough time, there is help available.

Leagues Be Racin'

On April 29, the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues - EFCL for short - will be holding their second annual Great Neighbourhood Race

The purpose of this calorie burning/endorphin producing special event is two-fold. Not only will it help raise money for community leagues, it will generate funding for a very cool EFCL 100 Anniversary Project - a brand spanking new Community League Plaza in Hawrelak Park!!! 

We know we have a few keeners in Ritchie that want to pound the pavement. In fact, the Ritchie Run Club is looking for runners of all ages and levels to join their team.

Perhaps you guys should make it even more official and join them...just sayin'...if the shoe fits...race it???