The Ritchie Community League expresses its support of the Boyle Street Community Services’ proposed overdose prevention site in west Ritchie on the condition that Boyle Street honours the commitments it has made to community residents throughout its consultation.
The drug poisoning crisis has impacted every neighbourhood in Edmonton, and Ritchie is no exception. Many in our community have witnessed overdoses in our streets and parks, or have had loved ones pass away as part of this crisis. An overdose prevention site in Ritchie could save lives and ensure that the health and well-being of the most vulnerable members of our community is maintained and enhanced.
The community has raised a range of concerns over the proposed site. From potential public safety impacts, to ensuring that those attending the site are provided the range of wraparound services they need to address their health and social circumstances.
Boyle Street has committed to addressing the community’s concerns in a comprehensive and ongoing manner, and that it will be responsive to any issues raised into the future. Boyle Street promises not only to be a member of our Ritchie community, but a good neighour, one who takes it obligations to its neighbours and community as whole in a proactive, devoted manner.
The league’s support of the site is contingent on Boyle Street’s fulfillment of the promises it has made to the community.
For more information on the proposed health hub, please visit Boyle Street’s website.
For further inquires and information on Ritchie Community’s League’s position, please contact our President Avnish Nanda at