There are bragging rights to go around as the Move for Mental Health Challenge moves into its third week.
The Challenge invites community league members across the city to track their physical activity and, in so doing, reduce their anxiety and feelings of isolation so prevalent this winter, of all winters.
Five leagues doubled (some even tripled) the totals they reported last week. Well done Forest Heights, King Edward Park, Strathcona, Westmount and Willowby!
Two leagues joined the challenge. Welcome Avonmore and West Meadowlark!
Ritchie leads the standings with 5,518 km.
Together, apart, we’ve logged 19,725 km.
Together, apart, we’ve raised $550 for local charities who support our neighbours’ mental health.
Leagues are to report their own results weekly by Sunday night. The above is a screenshot taken Monday morning, Jan. 18. For the most up-to-date results see the Results page.
Ski, skate, bike, walk, run, snowboard, sled…it all makes a difference:
to how you feel
to how your league ranks against others in the city
to how close we get to our collective goal of 250,000 km by March 31.
To keep you motivated and moving, Ritchie United (that’s the name of our Strava team) is posting mini-challenges and pro tips on the website regularly. Check them out.
Ritchie United also asks members with the financial means for donations to support the mental health of our neighbours. The social distancing keeping COVID-19 from spreading protects our physical health but puts our mental health at risk. Your donation provide others with much needed support. So far, Ritchie has raised $550 towards its $2,000 goal.