What does "advocacy" mean 100 years after leagues adopted this mandate?

Community leagues are known for their rinks and halls, their programs and parties, and rightly so.

But they also speak up for members on local issues. Always have, always will. What exactly that means in practice is a matter of debate. Ritchie’s civics director has a few suggestions:

  1. When the issue affects most or all of the neighbourhood, the league should attempt to inform the entire neighbourhood and get feedback through public meetings or surveys.

  2. When the issue affects a significant chunk of the neighbourhood (a block or two, for example), the league should consult the affected parties and discuss at a board meeting.

  3. When the issue involves only a handful of neighbours, the should provide advice to all involved but otherwise decline to take a stance or make recommendations.

This proposed civics policy will be debated at a board meeting later this year.