RCL is proud to partner with Coats for Kids (United Way) and the Bissell Centre to collect gently used, outgrown or new winter outwear for men, women and children.
Come to drop off your donations, visit with our amazing volunteers and warm up with some hot chocolate. The donations will be collected in the small hall from 3pm - 7pm on Saturday November 17th.
United Way is in need of:
Men’s winter coat
Woman’s winter coats
Children’s winter coats
Toques/ mitts and scarves - adult and children’s sizes
Snow pants- adult and children’s sizes
Winter Boots
Insulated work wear - Men’s and Woman’s
Insulated work boots
Bissell Centre is in need of:
Winter footwear
Thermal Underwear
Long Sleeve Tops
Sweatpants, Hoodies and Sweatshirts
Hand/Foot Warmers
They are also in high need of toothbrushes and toothpaste.
We are also looking for volunteers to sign up for this event. If you'd like to sign up, we will be posting a sign up link soon or you can email volunteers@ritchie-league.com