Ritchie Community League

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League responds to Station lands redevelopment

Update to RCL board July 8

By Allan Bolstad, RCL Civics Director

On June 8, the City of Edmonton rezoned two parcels of land, immediately north and south of the old CPR station. Lands north of the station, which includes a public park, will now be used for a low-rise commercial development constructed out of railway container cars. Lands to the south of the station will be used to house a seven-storey apartment block.

All access to these sites will be from Gateway Boulevard, which flanks the western side of the property.

RCL attended the city council public hearing on this issue to oppose the removal of the municipal reserve designation on the parkland, as there are no other city-owned parks in West Ritchie (west of 99 Street).

The city has agreed to lease the parkland to Beljan Developments for five years, after which time it will be reviewed. The city has retained the right to ask Beljan to remove the container car development and any other changes at that time.

A long-term analysis is underway to assess the availability of public space in the West Ritchie and Station Junction areas further to the west. The future use of this park space will be included in that review. No time line has been given for the completion of this study.

This issue has highlighted the need for RCL to expand its western boundary to oversee development on lands not currently within any league’s borders, but which are being developed to house new residents.

Original post March 6, 2021:

Current and proposed views of the southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Whyte Avenue.

City planners and Beljan Development presented the project at the RCL board meeting March 4, 2021. Below are excerpts of the letter submitted to the planners March 5, 2021, prepared by Allan Bolstad, RCL Civics Director:

1. Use of Community Park Space

A number of our members are quite concerned about the shortage of park space in west Ritchie, which is becoming more acute as higher density developments move in. These concerns were heightened shortly after you left the meeting, when we heard about plans to construct a 12-story residential tower at 80 Avenue and 99 Street.

Hence, we are wondering if the city's community services department has done an assessment of parkland in the area and what its recommendation would be in this instance. If this space is removed from the inventory, could another spot be found?

2. Pedestrian Circulation

We would like to see some thought be given to how pedestrians can walk in a north/south direction through the site, as this is not possible at present when the market closes off the back of its property. We would also like to see some thought given to an east-west pedestrian through route, perhaps further to the south, giving Ritchie residents a western outlet and a connection to the Strathcona Junction area and Queen Alexandra neighbourhood. One of our members wanted to know if any of the walkways on site could be heated in the winter, to melt off the snow and make it easier to use.

3. Centre LRT

How would this project mesh with the city's plans for LRT down Whyte Avenue?  While we understand this is not likely to happen for quite awhile, still, the city held extensive talks with us a couple of years ago about LRT and it seems only logical to keep those plans in mind when looking at this project.

4. Vehicular Accessibility

Given how busy Gateway Boulevard and Whyte Avenue are, we wondered where anyone would park (including Station Park tenants) and how service trucks would access this site.  People also wondered about the impact eliminating some or all of the turn lane would have on traffic congestion.

5. Retention of Hardwood Trees

It was noted that this green space is home to three or four lovely hardwood trees, which have beautiful blossoms each spring.  We were wondering if these trees could be retained in this development and not destroyed by the adjacent roadway enhancements.

6. Project Financial Contribution

If the Station Park and nearby residential development proceeds, is it possible for the proponents to make a contribution to the construction of a hall and/or amenities on the Ritchie Community League park site?  We are currently attempting to build a new hall and redevelop the rink and tennis courts.

We look forward to continuing this discussion.