Ritchie Community League

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Temporary, 24/7 shelter endorsed by Ritchie Community League

The Ritchie Community League supports The Mustard Seed’s new temporary, 24/7 homeless shelter that opened in our community on November 2, 2020.

Further, the RCL will provide submissions in favour of the temporary shelter at the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board hearing on November 26, 2020 that will review the development permit issued to The Mustard Seed to establish and operate the facility.

Edmonton is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. More than 2,000 Edmontonians do not have access to safe and secure housing. With COVID-19 infections rates rising and winter progressing, many street-involved Edmontonians face the real risk of harm if this crisis is not addressed immediately.

In Ritchie, the effects of this crisis can be seen with the crowds seeking shelter each night at the Trinity Lutheran Church or the encampments scattered throughout the Mill Creek Ravine. There is not enough shelter space to house those in need forcing many into desperate situations to find adequate shelter.

One solution proposed by the City of Edmonton is the establishment of a temporary, 24/7 shelter at the site of the CESSCO plant in Ritchie where 125 street-involved Edmontonians can access shelter and supports daily. The facility will be operated by The Mustard Seed, a faith-based non-profit organization working to eliminate homelessness and reduce poverty. The Mustard Seed has a track-record of supporting the street-involved individuals, including in Ritchie, where it operates the Strathcona Neighbour Centre.

Neither the Ritchie Community League (RCL) nor Ritchie residents were consulted in advance of the decision to establish the temporary shelter, which will be in operation until the end of March 2021. As community residents began to learn about the decision, the RCL received an influx of telephone calls, emails, and social media messages raising a variety of different views over the proposed temporary shelter.

Many Ritchie residents expressed reservations over the possible impact a temporary shelter would have in the community, specifically around the potential of an increase in crime or impacts on the schools and playgrounds that are adjacent to where the shelter is located. Some community members were concerned about the rudimentary provisions that were being offered to those accessing the temporary shelter’s services, and whether users would be able to easily find the shelter and receive the social and health supports they need. A large number of Ritchie residents responded to the news by asking how they could help: offering donations, signing up to volunteer, and organizing clothing drives for those accessing the shelter’s services.

While the responses have been varied, there has been widespread recognition that a temporary shelter is needed on the south side of Edmonton this winter for those who do not have access to housing. In addition, both the City of Edmonton and The Mustard Seed have provided assurances that community concerns will be addressed. This includes concerns over the potential or perceived increase in crime, ensuring that those who access the shelter’s services are fully supported by being able to receive 24/7 assistance and programming, and doing a better job of informing and consulting Ritchie residents as things proceed.

Among the objectives that informs the RCL’s work is ensuring that the League is “responsive to the individual and collective needs of its people by servicing our community through advocacy, activities, programs and support resulting in a safe and vibrant community for all”.

There is no doubt that the homelessness crisis has impacted Ritchie, its members, and broader community members, which includes those accessing The Mustard Seed’s services and programming. At this unique moment in time, the RCL considers it to be important to come together as a community to help those most vulnerable. For this reason, the RCL supports the temporary shelter, which is a short-term initiative to address the homelessness crisis that is gripping Edmonton. Without the temporary shelter, individuals in need will have nowhere else to go and remain in the ravine encampments and on the streets, facing significant risks to their health as the pandemic and winter progress.

However, the RCL wishes to establish an on-going relationship with the City of Edmonton and The Mustard Seed to ensure that there is an open-line of communication between all stakeholders. It is clear that there needs to be better communication between the parties regarding this initiative, and that community residents should be informed of what is transpiring in their neighbourhood.

Over the next weeks and months, RCL will work with The Mustard Seed to determine ways for our community to best support and help those accessing the temporary shelter.

Please continue to check our website and social media feeds to learn more about what we have in store and what you can do to help.

Ritchie Community League’s Board of Directors

(A PDF version of the statement can be accessed here.)